Fire ants, although they are such annoying creatures for us humans, they are a real wonder of biological engineering. Fire ants come in different shapes and sizes, the largest of these creatures can come up to be as big as a fifth of an inch, which it is very impressive for a microscopic insect. They can be very easily distinguished because of their brown head and their slightly darker body.
The fire ants have a very simple way to feed, but a much more complicated way to deposit and digest the food. Fire ants bite, cut and chew the skin with they very powerful mandibles (in comparison to their own size), in order to suck up all the nutritive liquids. Interesting is that, fire ants have two stomachs: the fist one has the purpose to deposit and digest the food for themselves, and the second one to share the food with other members of the colony, in order for them to fed properly.
Fire ants have a very annoying bite. The bites from fire ants can cause a burning or stinging sensation on the nearby zone of the skin where the bite occurred (because they cause this kind of sensations, they are called "fire ants"). After that the skin will raise and fill up with a fluid. It is very important that you will not scratch the injured area, in order for that to heal, because you can easily infect yourself or some leave permanent scars on your skin.
These are very little insects, and it is quite impossible to see them on your skin and clothing, with a naked eye. Although they are so little, their actual effects of their bites can be seen and mostly felt very quickly, in less than 10 seconds. Don't be surprised if you will be bitten another time in a short amount of time. Fire ants will bite many times, even if all the venom they have had was consumed before on you or other people.
The best method to kill these creatures is to use on the harmed area a lye - water solution (approximately 20% lye and 80% water). Firstly you will need to make a circle with this solution, in order to trap the insect, and then turn all the solution that you have left on the mound to kill it. Attention! Be very careful when you deal with this solution, because this is a caustic solution.
Also, it would be very wise to douse the mound under hot boiling water for a short period of time in order to kill all the insects. Unfortunately, if we are talking about a full colony, the queen will most probably not die.
Another very good method in order to get rid of these insects is to soap and wash the zone, but in some cases, it will not kill the queen.
Also, it is wise to use proper insecticide on the mound, but you must be very careful in order that the insecticide will reach the queen. If you cannot reach the queen, this action is mostly useless. The good news is that all the other insects will eventually die after this toxic attack in 24 hours.
You can also use some insecticide baits in your house or garden. The bait will be carried back by the fire ants to the queen, and they will eventually feed from the bait or just get in contact with it and die, in the end. This is a very good solution for your problem, if the time factor doesn't count for you so much.
First Aid in case of a Fire Ant Bite
If you are outside your house and you are near a mound, it will be smart to get away from it.
Immediately remove the infested clothes that you have on the moment of the fire ant bite.
Clean the zone by rubbing alcohol or using soap and water on the affected skin part.
In order to reduce the obvious pain and inflammation use ice packs.
Apply creams or lotions based on hydrocortisone topical ointment or calamine.
Try a bleach or even baking soda with water in order to reduce the pain or inflammation.
Use Benadryl to reduce the itchiness sensation and the inflammation.
Call immediately 911 or contact a specialized doctor when you encounter sensations such as hives, swellings, chest pains or even shock and coma.
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