" Trock: Newborn Timelord Blues | Wonder Wash " " "

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trock: Newborn Timelord Blues

The Doctor has regenerated. The quest for trock is renewed. The Newborn Timelord Blues I fell from the sky in the other guy's clothes with a new set of teeth and a much flatter nose. My feet are too big For his old training shoes No wonder I sing The Newborn Timelord Blues Nine hundred years old On the day of my birth Im here to save worlds And by worlds I mean earth Must find a companion Someone I can schmooze Till then I will sing The Newborn Timelord Blues I know I bounce back When my former life ends But I still had to say Good-bye to my friends Which some may think odd Cause everyone knows That the time before this I stayed on with Rose I start in from scratch Every time that I die But it never takes long Till Im ready to fly. Its time to begin My next time and space cruise No more will I sing The Newborn Timelord blues copyright © 2010 by Michael Markman

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