" Washing Silk-Don't Turn Your Clothes Into a Science Experiment! | Wonder Wash " " "

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Washing Silk-Don't Turn Your Clothes Into a Science Experiment!

Even since the Chinese invented silk in the 27th century BC people have loved silk. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Aristotle knew about silk, according to http://www.fabrics.net. The Romans sold silk for its weight in gold and no wonder. Silk is an amazing fabric.

It is also a tough fabric. "A steel filament of the same diameter as silk will break before a filament of silk, says http://www.fabrics.net. This is due to the fact that silk is actually a protein extracted from silk worm cocoons. The strands are woven together in many ways: Noil (short fibers), faille (ribbed fabric), Matelasse (raised fabric), Poult de siue (cross-ribbed fabric), organza (transparent fabric, and others.

Many people have their silk garments dry cleaned, but dry cleaning is expensive. Dry cleaning silk can also make your clothes look dingy. The solution: hand-wash your silk clothes. Before you dunk the whole garment in water wash a test patch on an inside seam to see if the silk shrinks. "Silk garments can shrink if the fabric has not been washed prior to garment construction," notes http://www.srfabrics.com.

If your test patch does not shrink you can probably wash the garment. The WinterSilks Web site recommends Silk Wash. This product may be used in a washing machine or for hand-washing. Use lukewarm water when you wash clothes in Silk Wash. Though garments can be dried in an automatic dryer on the fluff setting, WinterSilks says it is best to roll them in a towel and lay them flat to dry.

But http://www.fabrics.net says silk clothes can only be dried in an automatic dryer ONLY if the fabric was dried this way before being made into clothing. Sun-drying silk is not recommended. The Silk Road Textile Merchants have posted detailed washing instructions on their Web site.

1. Follow the directions on the soap you use. You may use Ivory Snow powder, Woolite, or a special silk soap.

2. Use lukewarm water.

3. Rub the silk gently to remove dirt, but do not wring it.

4. Rinse in clear, cool water several times.

5. Fill the sink, add 1/4 cup white vinegar to the water, and rinse the garment again.

6. Rinse the garment one last time.

7. Roll the garment in a towel to remove excess water.

8. Lay the garment flat to dry or hang it on a padded hanger.

9. Iron on the wrong side, using a cool setting, while the garment is still wet.

Silk is a durable fabric and your clothes will last for years if you treat them right. Follow these instructions to the letter. Don't turn your silk clothes into a science experiment!

Copyright 2007 by Harriet Hodgson

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