" How to Get More Balance in Your Daily Living | Wonder Wash " " "

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How to Get More Balance in Your Daily Living

Laundry, jobs, hockey practice, PTA meetings, aging parents, dental appointments...sound familiar? No wonder there is so much stress in our day! Add to these the current economic crisis and it seems that finding balance in life is virtually impossible. And women are particularly poor at creating balance in their lives as they continually put themselves at the bottom of their priority list. Whatever "me time" there was, gets lost in the shuffle. But, there are some relatively simple things you can do to try and achieve that all essential balance.

As Andy Rooney said, "Remember God didn't do it all in one day, so why should you." Maybe getting the laundry started before breakfast isn't nearly as important as that extra half hour of shut eye.

You have to boldly schedule "me time". Make sure the family knows you will be incommunicado when you are taking that much needed bubble bath.

Make a lunch date with a friend or a relative you haven't seen in awhile.

Remember the kid in you and act goofy. It becomes even more therapeutic when you act silly in front of your kids friends.

Keep a journal. Sometimes it is easier to express your feelings in writing than it is to vocalize them even if no one but you reads them.

Sit outside and let the warmth of the sun wash away your tension.

Stare out the window while you sip your cup of coffee and think of nothing except the great taste of that coffee.

Watch your favourite sitcom and remember, laughing will make sure your wrinkles end up in the right places.

Take time to pray- for the homeless, the orphans, the sick.

Meditate, do Tai Chi or yoga.

Finding that balance is never easy and it will be different for each person. The one common element however is that whatever you choose to do, it must be guilt free. Remember, you are valuable and you make a difference .

The lyrics to that old hymn "Count Your Blessings" serve to remind us that we sometimes simply need to take a moment and be thankful.

"When upon life's billows, you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one.
And it will surprise you, what the Lord hath done."

Remember to be thankful for the things you have gained in life and stop obsessing over what you might have missed. Yesterday is passed, tomorrow is yet to come, and all we have is today.

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