" Wonder Wash: April 2010 " " "

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hemorrhoid Creams and The Relief They Bring

One of the methods to get hemorrhoid relief is the use of the cream or ointment. It is very well known that constipation is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. Constipation makes passing of the stool very hard resulting in scarring and tearing of the inner anal tissue. This is the breeding ground for hemorrhoids.

These creams are used to lubricate the anal passage so that the friction between the hard stool and the sore anal lining can be reduced. Hemorrhoid creams also help restore the virility of the anal lining to its original state.

Hemorrhoid creams are like a cushion between the fecal matter and the anal lining that facilitate the rapid healing of the sores bringing fast hemorrhoid relief.

It would be important to know the symptoms of hemorrhoids that can be treated using hemorrhoid cream. The symptoms include inflammation and itching in and around the anus, swelling of the inner anal and rectal veins, protruding anal tissue and traces of blood in the stool.

Among many types of hemorrhoid creams available in the market, a few can bring hemorrhoid relief. The most effective hemorrhoids cream have been found to be those that are manufactured using natural products, such as herbal plants.

These creams are effective in bringing about fast hemorrhoid relief to the patient. Besides, they have very few, if any, side-effects. The reason why they do not have any side effects is that natural ingredients in them are in sync with the body's own healing mechanism to restore the damaged tissues.

Hemorrhoid creams are easy to apply to the affected area. A patient can apply the cream after having bowel movement so that they stay longer in the affected area.

Before applying the cream for fast hemorrhoid relief, one should wash the affected area thoroughly using purified water, preferably warm. Apply a thin layer of the cream to the surface and use a finger to push the cream further inside the anus. If necessary, use a convenient medically recommended gadget, such as a syringe, to deposit the cream inside the anal passage for fast hemorrhoid relief.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Rise Against - The First Drop Lyrics in Description

The song the First Drop by Rise Against from the Siren Song of the Counter Culture album. I'm calling out, only echoes respond But I scream 'till my voice is gone Crouching in corners and hiding your face I'm sick and tired of playing your games I'm not alone I stand amongst the voiceless millions in the unforgiving sun Here arm in arm we parade these streets And sing our songs (and sing our songs) (We've had enough) Is there even anything left to explain? (We've had enough) Am i really someone you need to restrain? (We've had enough) Can't you listen to what we have to say? (We've had enough) Unknowing, we lie and wait for the rain To wash away what they have made Face down in the dirt with your foot on my back In the distance I hear thundercrack C'mon, stand up! This system of power and privilege is about to come to an end Here come the clouds The first drop is falling down (falling down) (We've had enough) Is there even anything left to explain? (We've had enough) Am i really someone you need to restrain? (We've had enough) Can't you listen to what we have to say? (We've had enough) Our futures burn in red horizons Ashes scattered in winds of change Casualty numbers are rising Now it's time to raise the stakes We're meant for something more than Living just to put food on our plates I can't help but wonder "why should we participate?" (Now we've had enough) Is there even anything left to explain? (We've had enough) Am i really someone you need to restrain? (We've had ...

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Motivational Tapes and Why You Should Listen

Even though I was already accomplished in school, sports and business, at 17 I started listening to motivational tapes until about age 28. I think I had listened to every one of the Motivational Tapes from the Nightengale-Conant Catalog and all the famous motivator names. I had subscribed to the tape series of the month, I had two-subscriptions, so I had enough to listen too, as they had a plan you could pick in advance which ones they sent to you. I would play them through and over again many times.

In my mobile car wash business (CarWashGuys.com) sometimes the workers would get mad, because I played them in the work truck all the time. This is before I built that company into a Multi-State Franchising Corporation. Although some of the workers did not like it at first, that did not stop me; eventually I am certain it rubbed off on them.

Sometimes I would give the tapes away to young sales people or folks who needed an uplift, generally unless they were total strangers in one time chance meeting they would indeed thank me later after a few weeks of listening. Some people tried to give them back because I think they realized they were expensive, I always refused and asked that they pass them on to someone else, long before the movie pay it forward. I wonder sometimes how many people those tape series and attached booklets in those plastic cases helped?

I still own many of the books from these motivational folks in my personal library. All this in my quest to keep winning, building and bettering myself. Now I just talk like that anyway and might make the best motivator of self myself? Sooner or later, it becomes habit. I do not care if you are already a winner in life, it still makes sense to take it to the next level, I do, I wish more folks would.

A Letter from Lance.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Another Maple At Midnight (3)

*update* 26th Dec 09 Wash Your Hands Too {Maplized} has been renamed "Another Maple At Midnight" . This podcast is not by the muttons. However, the series maple at midnight was never intended to be of ony podcasts by the muttons. IT was just meant to be about RedGalaxy and xVenetian yakking about random stuff. So there. XD Woah. This project has been sitting in my desktop for ages. It's kinda outdated now that the flu vaccine is out but who knows? I wonder if y'all would like this video. It was a bit rushed. Hexxer *update* 23 March 2010 Woo!! This video is gonna be featured on the MapleSEA Website!!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Soap Queen TV Episode 3: Swirling M&P

Ever wonder how you can achieve multi-colored swirls in melt & pour? In this Episode watch Anne-Marie as she shows you the trick to swirling Melt & Pour soap and makes a gorgeous loaf that looks complicated but isn't! This is one of Anne-Marie's favorite projects. Want to join in the fun? Buy your own Swirling Soap Kit and make your own! Find it here www.brambleberry.com Are you a blogger? Please feel free to embed this video on your blog. If you need any help just let us know! info@brambleberry.com Anne-Marie Faiola is the owner of Bramble Berry www.brambleberry.com, author of Soap Queen Blog http and developer of Teach Soap www.teachsoap.com. Music by the PsyWoofers titled 'Dancing 4 Joy' All of the supplies used can be purchased at http

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Here with me*nemi* episode 49

Demi: ( POV: I was excited that us girls were sharing a room because were the best of friends. It was reassuring that at least one aspect of the camp was going right! As I got settled meaning to wash up I tried really hard not to think about everything that had gone wrong so far. On the wall above my bed I hung a drean catcher that I had made the following summer. According to Lakota legend, the wed captures the good parts of the dream and I needed all the luck I needed to ward off the evil of Nick. On the night stand beside my bed, I put a picture of my family-mom-dad- Dalles,Madison and me- all bundled up. A ski slope was in the background. We'd gone to telluride, Colorado during the Holidays. I also had a picture of Taylor, Miley, Emily and me on the last day of freshmen year. We were grinning, giving each other thumbs up on out way to Sophmore year. By the time The Taylor, miley and Em were finally ready fixing each others hair. Ed was clanging thr triangle to signal that supper was ready) Taylor: * does last minute touches to her hair* Miley: * giggles* Taylor its just dinner, not a fashion show Taylor: I know, but I wanna look good for Joe Emily: don't worry Tay you look awesome as always Taylor: aw fine, lets go eat* starts walking to the door* Miley: C'mon Dems lets go eat Demi: I'm not Hungry Emily: Just try too, maybe it will make you feel better Demi: * sighs* Okay Girls: * walk into the cafteria* Demi( POV: I wasn't thrilled that the afternoon had drifted away ...

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Price of Beauty: Hair Straightening Costs

With an onslaught of shampoo commercials on TV, featuring models with long, smooth and super straight tresses, it is no wonder that a big chunk of the women population want their hair to look impeccibly perfect. As a result, hair salons offering hair-straightening services continue to mushroom all over. Do-it-yourself hair treatments, hair ironing kits, and other various hair products are constantly being upgraded, with new and improved.

To say that there's a great variety of hair-straightening methods and products to choose from is an understatement. Women find themselves in a dilemma on what would suit them, and bring out the best results. Among their major concerns is cost. When it comes to hair treatment, does price really matter? Will a more expensive process generate better results, or do cheaper ones suffice?

Factors to consider:

1. Hair Condition

Needless to say, more work translates to higher costs. The curlier the hair, the more expensive the salon treatment or hair product will be.

2. Treatment life span

One has to choose whether she wants her hair to be straight permanently or for a certain period only. While some women prefer to have hair a la Cher for their entire life, others love experimenting with various hairstyles - frizzy one day, super straight the next. A permanent treatment's rate will of course be higher than a temporary one.

3. Maintenance

When one constantly takes good care of her hair, especially after undergoing a hair-straightening treatment, there will be less frequent salon visits necessary.

$$$$$: Chemically straightened treatment done by professionals in a salon

While there are hair straightening formulas readily available in the market, it is still recommended to leave the chemicals to the experts. The reason is simple: dealing with strong chemicals requires technical know-how of the entire hair straightening process. Also, professionals will be able to evaluate one's hair condition to find out how strong the chemicals will be used, to avoid any damage.

$$$$: Hair ironing kit

While this hair tool is, of course, cheaper than a salon visit, it does not guarantee lasting results. Hair irons come in various types. Those using metal plates are usually the cheapest, but it is not recommended for regular use because its surface will cause hair damage in the long run. The ceramide hair iron is considered gentler and effective, but it comes with a higher price tag. Using ceramic plates, this kind of iron is smoother, which will result in better flattening of hair. It also has a better control in temperature, that will prevent burning and permanent hair damage. In buying a hair iron, make sure to test it before buying. Thoroughly read and follow the instructions included in the kit. When you regularly iron your hair, avoid using other chemical treatments, such as coloring dyes, because it might result in hair damage. It is also recommended to have a regular trim to prevent split ends from occurring.

$$$: Hair dryer

Amazingly, despite the emergence of newer hair straightening products, the good old hair dryer is still surviving, and in fact, still widely used. Perhaps among the cheapest of hair straightening products, the hair dryer still remains to be reliable in temporarily managing frizzy hair. Like the hair iron its results last only until the next wash. Before starting, make sure the hair is free of tangles by using a wide toothed comb. It should also be slightly moist. Use a large and round brush for better results. Setting lotion, gel or leave-on conditioner may also be applied after blowing the hair to eliminate frizz and achieve a smoother, silkier appearance.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Goshfeathers

The Goshfeathers is a puppet show that was filmed for a video production class! Meet all the crazy characters with original music by Sean Downey of Vidooch! Now come on, LET'S GET STARTED!!!

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Give Your Son a Little Boy Blue Room For Him to Sleep and Dream In

People always talk about how relaxed and refreshed they feel when they return from a vacation spent mostly gazing at sea and sky. It is no wonder, since studies have shown that blue tones are the most soothing ones; and since that's particularly true in a bedroom, it's also understandable that more and more expectant moms and dads are once again settling on traditional blue baby bedding.

In the hustle-and-bustle world we live in nowadays, many of us crave a place to get away from it all and decompress for a while. Some parents-to-be have found it very comforting to channel the less-frazzled past, when blue nurseries were the norm for little boys. They have sworn off avant garde art works and trendy designs for this special space in favor of cozy furnishings and a cool color that banishes stress, especially in its softer pastel shades.

Baby boy bedding in blue shades comes in a wide enough variety of styles and patterns to suit every taste. You can choose solid-color fabrics or you can mix solids with overall prints or with pieces that are appliqued in contrasting colors. There are also blue gingham patchwork designs which bring a homey, country look to even the most urban of settings. And if you choose to go "green" as you decorate with blue, you can even find an assortment of organic blue infant linens in all-natural textiles.

Once you've bought a crib with a mattress fitting snugly against all four sides, measure the mattress so you can be certain to purchase sheets of proper dimensions. You want to ensure that the sheet can't get dislodged from its mattress and pose a hazard to your little one. Do wash your new sheets before using too, so they'll be more comfortable against baby's tender skin and no chemical residues will remain from the manufacturing process.

Of course, decorating plans are all too often accompanied by concerns about the various expenses that are involved. To achieve an attractive decor without spending too much, pick up a complete coordinated collection of nursery items -- typically the least expensive means of purchasing crib bedding. Bedding ensembles often include matching window treatments or storage pieces along with the basic crib bumper and decorative coverlet.

When using blues for his nursery, another wonderful touch is to create a sky on the ceiling for your son to look up at. You can paint this yourself or find someone else to do it; in fact, stores carry sky blue wallpaper with lots of fluffy clouds to help you bring the heavens indoors. It is hard to tell whether you or your little boy will benefit more from this serene and dreamy new room.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Laundry Alternative Mini Washer/Dryer Contest

Having kids means having laundry! wonderwash and the Mini Countertop Dryer make scary laundry messes a breeze all while keeping our environment and sanity in tact!

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Mahatma Modiji Takes a Lesson to India's Corrupt Media 1 of 3

Most Media Folks in India's English media have a problem. Most are the low IQ social sciences kind that go to churchist institutions where they hardly inculcate quality education and where they just teach to make noise in English. It is no wonder Mahatma Modiji runs rings around them. That said there are many who are decent who on account of their good fortune in being born in good families are able to get out the mental fetters that many churchist institutions design. Real problem with Indian Media is penetration by communist liars/islamists. NDTV Prannoy Roy for example has established links both to Marxist Communist Party and to Islamists. Facultiies in Universities like the JNU require certain kind of people, people that are cut from their native roots. -Vote BJP 2009 if u care for India and its native traditions, if you want progress, prosperity, happiness and security. -Vote Congress I (islami-isai) and allies if you are an enemy of India. If you want islamic terror, christian evangelism, maoist terror, these are your guys. -Vote Communists and their allies if you want India to be colonized by China. Mahatma Modiji stopped islamic terror in Gujarat in 2002. Islamists now know that if they mess around repurcussions can be nasty. Modiji also stopped christian charlatanism using foreign aid and money to convert Native Indians through deceit and perpetuating poverty. Mahatma Modiji has acheived 15%+ Hindu rate of Economic Growth, Highest Economic growth rate in the ...

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Deal or Dud: Wonder Wash

PHILADELPHIA - If only you could take the comforts of home along with you on vacation? Maybe you can! Just add water! Consumer reporter Michelle Buckman puts a portable washing machine to the Deal or Dud test! Further Information: The Wonder Wash washes a 5-lb. load super clean in just a couple of minutes by using a patented pressure system that forces detergent into the fabric at high speed for a fast, efficient, economic and very easy wash. It is ideal for campers, single people and even for the housewife with small frequent loads like hand washables and diapers. Uses far less water than even hand washing. www.laundry-alternative.com

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mobile Car Wash Arrangements at Corporations

When a new entrepreneur sets out into the mobile car wash business they often wonder how they should go about arranging exclusivity to wash at large corporations or office buildings. One question that is often asked is; "Do I have to pay for the rights to provide your car wash service there?" truly you would be advised to do this as a last resort you should attempt to shy away from this really. In fact you would be well advised to not mention such things. Although it is not totally uncommon in the industry, you will find that the amenities you provide for their employees far surpasses their small earnings from a percentage of your gross take or a few dollars per car.

Now with that said, there are some instances it does make a lot of sense for instance it the Corporation or building gives you something in return. For instance if they provide you Assigned stalls to work in, water outlets, reclaim clarifier area, email alerts to tell people we are there, collects money for us and takes their percentage out. Then it could make sense. Also if you are in markets where lots of payola goes on such as CT, NJ, PA, TX, NV it might be required, but generally if this is the case you will know soon enough up front, as the owner or controller of such properties will say straight up; "What is in it for us or What is in it for me?

Sometimes if a parking garage company or a valet service is involved then it does make sense to use their ability to sign up your customers and pay them a commission. Think on this.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Washing Silk-Don't Turn Your Clothes Into a Science Experiment!

Even since the Chinese invented silk in the 27th century BC people have loved silk. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Aristotle knew about silk, according to http://www.fabrics.net. The Romans sold silk for its weight in gold and no wonder. Silk is an amazing fabric.

It is also a tough fabric. "A steel filament of the same diameter as silk will break before a filament of silk, says http://www.fabrics.net. This is due to the fact that silk is actually a protein extracted from silk worm cocoons. The strands are woven together in many ways: Noil (short fibers), faille (ribbed fabric), Matelasse (raised fabric), Poult de siue (cross-ribbed fabric), organza (transparent fabric, and others.

Many people have their silk garments dry cleaned, but dry cleaning is expensive. Dry cleaning silk can also make your clothes look dingy. The solution: hand-wash your silk clothes. Before you dunk the whole garment in water wash a test patch on an inside seam to see if the silk shrinks. "Silk garments can shrink if the fabric has not been washed prior to garment construction," notes http://www.srfabrics.com.

If your test patch does not shrink you can probably wash the garment. The WinterSilks Web site recommends Silk Wash. This product may be used in a washing machine or for hand-washing. Use lukewarm water when you wash clothes in Silk Wash. Though garments can be dried in an automatic dryer on the fluff setting, WinterSilks says it is best to roll them in a towel and lay them flat to dry.

But http://www.fabrics.net says silk clothes can only be dried in an automatic dryer ONLY if the fabric was dried this way before being made into clothing. Sun-drying silk is not recommended. The Silk Road Textile Merchants have posted detailed washing instructions on their Web site.

1. Follow the directions on the soap you use. You may use Ivory Snow powder, Woolite, or a special silk soap.

2. Use lukewarm water.

3. Rub the silk gently to remove dirt, but do not wring it.

4. Rinse in clear, cool water several times.

5. Fill the sink, add 1/4 cup white vinegar to the water, and rinse the garment again.

6. Rinse the garment one last time.

7. Roll the garment in a towel to remove excess water.

8. Lay the garment flat to dry or hang it on a padded hanger.

9. Iron on the wrong side, using a cool setting, while the garment is still wet.

Silk is a durable fabric and your clothes will last for years if you treat them right. Follow these instructions to the letter. Don't turn your silk clothes into a science experiment!

Copyright 2007 by Harriet Hodgson

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