Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black Live at the Zeche Bochum, Germany, October 11th, 2006 Lyrics:Again it poured over me in waves. When she left with them she said I must Break free from the dark. I tried to tell her Of their poison, she chose not to hear. She was never seen again" Sometimes when I'm alone I still feel you Your breath on my neck, you're still with me And I'm still dreaming neon black I wait for you, to taste your unknown world The clock spins to time that must mean nothing Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown Shifting shaping currents flow in memory Swim through me Meet me in the drowning pool of tears And wash away my innocence and fear Sometimes I wonder where you are, can you feel my tears? I never knew what changed you Did they paint your dreams in pale shades? I wait for you, you know you cannot hide Division from within invalidates suffering Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown Shifting shaping currents flow in memory Swim through me Meet me in the drowning pool of tears And wash away my innocence I am a child of light living in your mind The pain, the unknowing washes away in time Until then will you meet me whenever I call to you? Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown Shifting shaping currents flow in memory Swim through me Meet me in the drowning pool of tears And wash away my innocence Meet me in the dreamtime water, drown Shifting shaping currents flow in memory Swim through me Meet me in the drowning pool of tears And wash away my innocence Meet ...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black (Live from Year of the Voyager DVD)
Posted by Krissy at 5:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
How Can You Avoid 'Filthy Food'?
There was a disturbing segment on the Chicago CBS news last night called Filthy Food.
They saw meats being transported without refrigeration, meat juices flowing into vegetables which are not allowed to be transported in the same vehicle as meat in the first place, and yogurt at dangerous temperatures. You might wonder if the food you're buying is safe. Unfortunately, we can't always be sure the food you're being sold is safe.
How can you avoid 'filthy food?' Here are a few tips to help keep you safer. Not 100%, but these tips will at least cut your risk.
If meat is not the right color, and especially if it has any tinge of gray, throw it out. It will cost you less than it will to get sick.
If it has a slimy coating - definitely throw it out.
In the video, they talk about black specs on the meat. While I don't think I've ever seen that personally - it's certainly something to watch out for.
The same goes for smell. If it has an odor that it shouldn't - pitch it!
Cook your meats to safe temperatures.
Wash all fruits and vegetables, even if it's something that you will cut in to - like watermelon, pineapple, or oranges. Wash the outside before you cut into it. If you don't, you risk contaminating the inner fruit when you cut into it with the knife.
Don't allow juices from one food to touch another food. You especially don't want to let uncooked meat juices touch vegetables or fruits. Using separate cutting boards is the safest way to avoid cross contamination. Clean and sterilize your cutting boards after each use. Many can be popped in the dishwasher.
Do I have to say this? Wash your hands before cooking. After you've handled one type of food, wash your hands before handling the next type- especially meats.
Keep your sinks and counters cleaned. Vinegar and water is a good germ killing solution. Plus, it won't make you sick. It's not a great cleaner for dirt or grease, but it's a nice safe alternative to wipe down the area where you are about to prepare food. If you use bleach, rinse thoroughly and let air dry overnight. Which means you can't use bleach right before you want to prepare food. You also can't use bleach on your stainless steel or chrome, so be careful!
Buy your food from reputable stores. We all have a store nearby that has lower prices, and borderline freshness. A store near me is notorious for covering brown ground beef with a layer of fresh red so it looks great when you buy it. Don't buy your 'fresh foods' in stores like that. They will continue doing it as long as they can get away with it, and make money.
We're all under pressure to save money these days, but you don't want to end up paying with your health, or in worst cases, your life.
Posted by Krissy at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Contest Entry from Johnson Alonzo CDS High School, Los Angeles Unified School District
Johnson Alonzo CDS High School, Mr. Whitehead, Teacher "White Gold", "Rock Opera", "Battle for Milkquarious", Scene 7, "Do The Dairy", Alonzo Johnson CDS, LA Los Angeles Unified School District, Public High School Community Day Schools johnsoncdshighschool alonzocdshighschool / From The Got Milk ads would typically feature people in various situations involving dry or sticky foods and treats such as peanut butter. The person then finds himself in an uncomfortable situation due to a full mouth and no milk to wash it down. At the end of the commercial the character would look sadly to the camera and boldly displayed would be the words, Got Milk? The first Got Milk advert ran in October 1993, and featured a hapless history buff played by Sean Whalen receiving a call to answer a radio station's $10000 trivia question voice by Rob Paulsen, "Who shot Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel?" The man's apartment is shown to be a private museum to the duel, packed with artifacts. He answers the question correctly, but because his mouth is full of peanut butter and he had no milk to wash it down, his answer was unintelligible. The ad, directed by Hollywood director Michael Bay, was at the top of the advertising industry's award circuit in 1994. From 1994-1995, fluid milk sales in the 12 regions totaled 23.3 billion pounds, and increased advertising expenditures amounted to $37.9 million. In 2002, the ad was named one of the ten best commercials of all time by a USA ...
Friday, September 10, 2010
How to Remove Sweat Stains From Clothes
It's just something that comes with Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) territory. If your sweating is bad, chances are you've got some stubborn sweat stains on your light clothing.
I remember before using Stop Sweating & Start Living, my armpit sweat stains were so bad, I was buying white tee shirts like they were disposables.
It definitely took a toll on my wallet at the time.
Maybe you know where I'm coming from?
You get those gross yellow stains on your underarms and normal bleach or detergent just can phase them out during a normal laundry cycle.
It's true, most pit stains are just way to tenacious to go away with regular washing methods.
That's probably why I've been getting so many requests from readers on how to remove sweat stains from clothes.
Well, you asked for it and YOU got it!
Here, I'll be outlining the most effective ways to get your shirts looking like new again and save you some cash on your undershirt shopping list.
So, let's get started with the first method and get those pit stains out!
1. Using the Right Detergents
Use liquid laundry detergent containing either oxygenated ingredients or ones that remove most protein-based stains and apply it directly to the sweat stains. Then, with your fingers, gently rub the detergent deep into the shirt fibers to cover the entire stain. Let it soak into the material for about half an hour. Wash in the laundry afterwards as you normally would.
2. Hydrogen Peroxide
This one is for white articles of clothing only. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down the protein residue in sweat stains. The results? Applying hydrogent peroxide on white clothing keep your garments from turning dark or yellowish over the armpit area over time.
Here's what you do...
Soak the stain in a half and half mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide for half an hour. After that, wash it out with cool water and let your shirt air dry. If the stain is still visible, repeat the treatment with higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.
I love this treatment because the hydrogent peroxide prevents that weird texture that sweat stains can give your clothing.
You know...
I'm talking about when sweat stains are so bad, the underarms of your tee shirts feel like construction paper - no good!
3. Baking Soda Paste
If you've been following my tips up to now, you're probably sick of hearing me praise the power of baking soda! - hey what can I say? It's the swiss army knife of sweat solutions! Well, I have one more baking soda treatment for you - removing sweat stains. Yes, it works and yes, like most of this stuff, I've tested it out at home.
Here's how to make baking soda eliminate your own sweat stains...
Mix a bit of baking soda with water until you have a thick paste. Then use a toothbrush to gently brush the paste into your clothing's sweat stains.
Leave the paste saturating the stain for 20 minutes, then rinse it out with cold water and throw your garment into the laundry on a cold cycle with an oxygenating detergent.
Just a warning, sometimes the baking soda can leave a residue on clothing after the first cycle of washing so try to save this treatment for light clothing. It's not that big a deal - sweat stains are usually more prevalent on light clothing anyway.
4. Sunshine and Spray
This one builds off of the original recommendation, choosing a detergent with oxygenated ingredients. Although, you can really add this extra step to whatever treatment you choose.
This solution does require a sunny day, so it's not always an alternative. However, if the sun is cooperative, here's what you do...
After applying your approved detergent (or hydrogen peroxide) to the sweat stains, lay your article of clothing out in the sun. You can hang it up outside as well.
Keep the stain wet by spraying it with water. As the moisture evaporates, the stain will evaporate with it. After 3 or 4 hours of leaving the garment out and spraying intermittently (yes, this is a little bit of a chore), throw the article of clothing in the laundry on a cold water cycle. Wash it out and wear your perfectly unstained outfit.
5. White Vinegar
White vinegar works wonders on colored articles of clothing. Really, it's the first treatment you should try if you're trying to remove sweat stains from anything other than white or off-white garments.
You want to create a solution of two cups of water and four tablespoons of white vinegar. Start with that. It's diluted enough to protect colors and contentrated enough to go to work.
Apply the diluted white vinegar solution directly to sweat stains before washing in the laundry to kill all offensive sweat odor, prevent changes in the texture of your clothing due to sweat AND keep colors vibrant. (is this starting to sound like a "Cheer" commercial or what? ha.)
Posted by Krissy at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thievery Corporation - Radio Retaliation
Music video by Thievery Corporation performing Radio Retaliation.
Posted by Krissy at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Corporation, Retaliation, Thievery
Monday, September 6, 2010
House Wives Homemade Prevention Or Cure For Acne - The Use of Male Sperm Or Semen
Male semen/sperm cures acne?
I have personally, in the quest and search for an effective cure homemade cure for acne, come across various claims from people across all walks of life. These claims range from the sublime to the bizarre! But these people stood by these methods saying, with a note of finality, that you cannot argue with results or success!
The main argument being put forward by people when asked about how they even came to think or believe that this "bizarre" sounding solution could actually cure or prevent acne is that since one could not explain why grandma's hot chicken soup prescribed to one when one catches cold always worked wonders relieving one of the cold then it goes without saying that there exists homemade remedies or prevention for acne that seemingly does not make sense.
Some of the people I have interviewed had pointed out the wonders of the male sperm or semen in curing acne and immediate stoppage of breakouts. Sounds far fetched? Well, as they say, you cannot argue with success.
Though most of these respondents were married women, they confirmed that they noted remarkable improvements in the treatment of facial, neck and back acne when they applied or 'rubbed-in' their husbands' sperm/semen.
When asked exactly how it was done, the general answer is basically to simply apply it directly to the affected parts last thing in the night before going to bed and wash it off first thing in the morning. When this is done conscientiously then results will be evident few days after.
Posted by Krissy at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Homemade, Prevention
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Piano Fire -by- Sparklehorse
On Sunday, July 15th [2001], Plan 9 Records in the Carytown area of Richmond, Virginia showcased an outside performance stage behind their store with music all day long. All live music events were free in celebration of their 20th year in business. Sparklehorse was the final performance. This is 'Piano Fire'.
Posted by Krissy at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sparklehorse
Thursday, September 2, 2010
mrbrownshow com Wash Your Hands Too Parody of Wonder Girl's 'Nobody'
Posted by Krissy at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Girls, mrbrownshow, Nobody, Parody, Wonder
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Somebody's Watching Me *GEICO* - Mysto + Pizzi Remix - (LYRICS + DOWNLOAD LINK)
LYRICS LOCATED HERE! VERSE1 I'm just an average man with an average life I work from nine to five, hey hell I pay the price All I want is to be left alone in my average home But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone And... CHORUS I always feel that somebody's watchin' me And I have no privacy I always feel that somebody's watchin' me Tell me is it just a dream? VERSE 2 When I come home at night I close the door real tight People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid Well, can the people on TV see me, can they or am I just paranoid When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair 'Cause I might open my eyes and find someone standing there People say I'm crazy, just a little touched But mainly showers remind me of Psycho too much That's why... CHORUS I don't know anymore Are the neighbors watching me Well is the mailman watching me And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess I wonder who's watching me now? Who? The IRS? CHORUS DOWNLOAD THE SONG HERE - TO VIEW THE ACTUAL MYSTO AND PIZZI MUSIC VIDEO, GO HERE
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Where Can I Get a Do-It-Yourself Car Washing Kit?
If you are a consumer who likes to wash their own car then you are probably in the market for a do-it-your car wash kit, yet it is so hard to find one these days. Sure Wal-Mart has something of this nature and so does K-Mart/Sears. Yet when looking at these we see that no one/company has truly captured the market. Why?
Well it seems that Mr. Clean has done an excellent job and maybe you have seen home wash kits often enough at major retailers. You know the; Bucket, soap, wash mitt, chamois. Perhaps you have sometimes also seen gift packs with wax too and applicator and tire dressing all in the bucket. Why have entrepreneurs not capitalized on this huge market of DIYs or Do-It-Yourselfers?
The trick is to keep the kit under $20.00 or $19.99 and such, this means that if you are not the manufacturer of all the products you must buy them and put them together and larger retailers will chisel you for price point. In other words you sell to them for $8-9.00 and the retail is $19.99 so the question is can you put all that into a bucket that itself costs $.88 each, shrink rap it with advertising label and put all those contents into it for $4 to $5.00 so that you can sell them to the major retailers at $9.00 to $11.00?
Well those are my thoughts on this subject, by the way, I agree with what you are thinking for the most part as just the other day I was looking for a Do-It-Yourself Automotive Wash Kit. Indeed this article is meant to propel thought and perhaps it is of interest to you in 2007.
Posted by Krissy at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: DoItYourself, Washing
Friday, August 27, 2010
A-ha, Morten Harket: If you want to do something with me, ask
We were scared to death we would annoy Morten and he would run for his life, if we touched him or screamed. At 0:15 He looked down at me and said Hello! and smiled at me Wonder what was he thinking at that moment... Maybe he thought I was going to grab something I shouldn't ;-) Then at 1:15 I tell him: I need to wash my hand and I show it to him, still with his autograph intact! Then someone ask him about Chile, what is going to happen with the shows there. Everybody is really concerned about our brothers there. Their situation couldn`t be worse. Pray for Chile! Try to help them in whatever way you can. Then I run out of batteries, but I put new ones! if you want to, you can watch the rest at Thank you for watching. Comments are really welcome. Cecilia, Uruguay
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Help For the Feet and Hands - Healing the Damage
Your feet and hands are probably the most overworked parts of your body. Just think about how many times a day you need to walk somewhere, grab something or pick something up. Doing the "dirty work" means exposing the skin in these areas to harsh chemicals, rough materials and lots of grime and bacteria. Just think about everything your feet and hands go through every day and it is no wonder they can end up looking dry, wrinkled and neglected.
Take a Hands on Approach!
Dry and cracked skin is a common problem for many hands and feet because of the constant use and exposure to external factors (such as cold weather or chemicals). Simply washing the hands and drying them without providing extra care can be damaging as well because many soaps contain ingredients that will rob the skin of essential oils needed for good hydration (and good hydration means smoother skin).
A good moisturizer is the best defense against these problems because it will replace essential nutrients and oils to the body. Depending on the level of damage to the skin present, a heavier duty moisturizer may be required or it may simply take a few days to see real results. Rough skin (such as calloused palms) will benefit from a daily moisturizer as well since they are also designed to soften the skin.
Tidbit to Remember In some professions it is necessary to wash your hands several times throughout the course of the day. This constant washing will help sanitize the hands but will dry them out just as quickly. Carry a small travel sized lotion in your purse, pocket or even at your work station to apply following each wash.
Woe to the Foot
The feet are an area of the body that suffers from dryness, rough texture and calluses. Add these up and they may not be the most pleasing area of the body to look at and can lead to severe foot conditions over time. There are several ways to fight this damage and keep your feet looking fabulous for the next time you step out in flip flops!
Exfoliation and scrubs are great for combating those dry heels and callused toes. The build up of dead skin leads to wrinkles and rough textures so it is important to remove these useless cells regularly. Most scrubs should be used bi-weekly to monthly because over exfoliation can damage the skin as well. A good scrub will have a course texture and will typically leave the skin feeling refreshed after just one treatment (although several may be required to reverse all damage).
Lotion for......your feet? It is common practice to lotion the hands, face, arms and legs but do you ever stop to rub a little moisture on your toes? A simple daily moisturizer (many body lotions will work for this) can work wonders on rough and scaly skin that appears on your feet. Take a minute in your daily routine to refresh the feet and offer them some relief. Some foot moisturizers contain special ingredients that will help soothe aching feet while hydrating as well.
Never forget that your entire body is covered with skin and although different areas may require different types of care, neglecting any portion of the body is a bad practice. Your skin does show much to protect your body it is time to return the favor by protecting the skin with a few easy steps. Most treatments require only minutes to complete and can do wonders in smoothing texture, improving tone and reversing the effects of age on the body. Try showing your feet and hands a little love and appreciation for a job well done today!
Posted by Krissy at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
Is Your Shampoo Safe - What Ingredients Are You Using to Wash Your Hair?
Anyone who bathes and wants their hair cleaned uses shampoo. Some shampoos promise your long flowing hair while others make sure that your hair is glowing. These are wonderful sales talk and most people are vain enough to be drawn into it. However, only a few people know that these shampoos have ingredients that are risking their very health every time they use it.
Most people do not look at the back of one's shampoo where all different kinds of ingredients are listed. There is various research that has shown that your everyday shampoo have various chemicals in them that could cause serious risks in your health, such as memory loss, eye irritation, skin irritation, hair loss and even cancer.
Here are the most common ingredients of a shampoo that can give you health risks and what those health risks are:
1. Fragrances used in shampoo contain a number of chemicals and most of them cause headaches and rashes. Some can even induce coughing and vomiting to a person.
2. Propylene glycol causes allergies. This ingredient can also be found in your everyday toothpaste.
3. Sodium lauryl sulfate can cause asthma attacks. This ingredient also damages a person's hair follicles which can lead to hair loss for some. They are also known for irritating a person's eyes.
4. Diethanolamine can cause liver and kidney cancer. This ingredient can also be toxic to one's brain.
Maybe you are wondering how these shampoos still stay in the market even if it has been proven to cause these kinds of health risks. The regulatory authorities on these kinds of things does not investigate spends most of their time researching prescription drugs . Meanwhile, shampoos, which can readily be bought in a supermarket can be forgotten and ignored.
Researchers of National Institute of Health have directly found a relation between shampoos and damage in the nervous system. These researchers are concerned of possible health risks (especially nervous system disorders) due to continued use of certain shampoos .
This effect is due to the chemicals preventing neurons from communicating with each other, resulting in the slowing of these networks of neurons. These slowing of neurons will cause problems and prevent normal brain functions.
Another research done by scientist about these chemicals found out that there are synthetic chemicals that disrupt hormones. These chemicals, since they are used daily, never go away cause your endocrine glands to stop functioning.
The endocrine glands regulate every body function. The thyroid, pituitary, pancreas, ovaries and testes are all part of this system and all of them are linked to the brain's hypothalamus. The chemicals found in shampoos are acting as endocrine disruptors and causes your body to send false signals to these glands. These false signals will cause serious problems such as memory loss, cold, flu, hair loss, low blood pressure, malnutrition, heart disease, cancer and can even cause infertility. These are just a few and do not even take into consideration other diseases they could get due to lowered body resistance.
These malfunctions of the body organs can be deadly and costly for consumers. Without knowing about it, they are the ones that put themselves in this predicament. Most people do not know about these chemicals they just keep using on their head that can cause them more harm than good.
The best way to protect one's self against these chemicals is to read all the ingredient found in their shampoos and study about them. Study the side effects these chemicals could cause your body.
Posted by Krissy at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ingredients, Shampoo
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Geico-Somebody's Watching Me and Lyrics
all rights go to geico Lyrics: Who's watching Tell me, who's watching Who's watching me I'm just an average man With an average life I work from nine to five Hey, hell, I pay the price All I want is to be left alone In my average home But why do I always feel Like I'm in the twilight zone And (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) And I have no privacy Whooooa-oh-oh (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) Tell me, is it just a dream Whooooa-oh-oh When I come home at night I bolt the door real tight People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid But can the people on TV see me Or am I just paranoid When I'm in the shower I'm afraid to wash my hair 'Cause I might open my eyes And find someone standing there People say I'm crazy Just a little touched But maybe showers remind me Of Psycho too much (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) And I have no privacy Whooooa, oh-oh (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) Tell me, is it just a dream Whooooa-oh-oh [Instrumental Interlude] (Who's watching me) I don't know anymore Are the neighbors watching me (Who's watching) Well, is the mailman watching me (Tell me, who's watching) And I don't feel safe anymore Oh, what a mess I wonder who's watching me now (Who) The IRS (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) And I have no privacy Whooooa, oh-oh (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) Tell me, is it just a dream Whooooa, oh-oh (I always feel like) (Somebody's watching me) And I have no privacy ...
Posted by Krissy at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: GeicoSomebodys, Lyrics, Watching
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Best Soul, Funk, and Disco Songs of the 70s - part five
Full Songlist- 1970- Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours (Stevie Wonder) Groove Me (King Floyd) ABC (The Jackson Five) She's Not Just Another Woman (8th Day) Thank You (Sly and the Familiy Stone) The Weight (Aretha Franklin) Band of Gold (Freda Payne) Sex Machine (James Brown) 1971- Ain't No Sunshine (Bill Withers) Theme From Shaft (Isaac Hayes) Respect Yourself (The Staple Singers) Mr. Big Stuff (Jean Knight) Tired of Being Alone (Al Green) Treat Her Like a Lady (Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose) Outa-Space (Billy Preston) Proud Mary (Ike and Tina Turner) Family Affair (Sly and the Family Stone) Express Yourself (Charles Wright and the Watts 103rd St. Rythym Band) What's Going On (Marvin Gaye) Soul Power (James Brown) 1972- Papa Was a Rolling Stone (The Temptations) In The Rain (The Dramatics) Superstition (Stevie Wonder) Soul Makossa (Manu Dibango) Let's Stay Together (Al Green) Freddie's Dead (Curtis Mayfield) Lean On Me (Bill Withers) Love and Happiness (Al Green) Superfly (Curtis Mayfield) I'll Take You There (The Staple Singers) Love Train (The O'Jays) Will It Go Round In Circles (Billy Preston) Troubled Man (Marvin Gaye) 1973- Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder) You're So Unique (Billy Preston) Jungle Boogie (Kool and the Gang) Let's Get It On (Marvin Gaye) Woman (Barrabas) It Hurts So Good (Millie Jackson) Keep On Truckin' (Eddie Kendricks) The Payback (James Brown) Apache (The Incredible Bongo Band) Living For The City (Stevie Wonder) I Can't Stand The Rain (Ann ...
Posted by Krissy at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only-BMTH cover
an okay cover of bring me the horizon's awesome song.
Posted by Krissy at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Mobile Car Wash Arrangements at Corporations
When a new entrepreneur sets out into the mobile car wash business they often wonder how they should go about arranging exclusivity to wash at large corporations or office buildings. One question that is often asked is; "Do I have to pay for the rights to provide your car wash service there?" truly you would be advised to do this as a last resort you should attempt to shy away from this really. In fact you would be well advised to not mention such things. Although it is not totally uncommon in the industry, you will find that the amenities you provide for their employees far surpasses their small earnings from a percentage of your gross take or a few dollars per car.
Now with that said, there are some instances it does make a lot of sense for instance it the Corporation or building gives you something in return. For instance if they provide you Assigned stalls to work in, water outlets, reclaim clarifier area, email alerts to tell people we are there, collects money for us and takes their percentage out. Then it could make sense. Also if you are in markets where lots of payola goes on such as CT, NJ, PA, TX, NV it might be required, but generally if this is the case you will know soon enough up front, as the owner or controller of such properties will say straight up; "What is in it for us or What is in it for me?
Sometimes if a parking garage company or a valet service is involved then it does make sense to use their ability to sign up your customers and pay them a commission. Think on this.
Posted by Krissy at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Arrangements, Corporations, Mobile
Friday, August 13, 2010
Mobile Car Wash Business in Sparks, Reno, Spanish Springs and Fallon, NV - Is it a Viable Market?
Have you been considering opening a mobile car washing or detailing business in Northern Nevada, it is a relatively untapped market worthy of your attention. Not long ago an emailer asked about the potential of starting such a business in Northern Nevada in the Sparks-Reno Area. And asked what I thought about the potential there? Here is my reply:
I see you have contacted us for information on the Mobile Car Washing Industry and below is the information you have provided. I see you are in the Reno-Sparks Area and just out of the Military and wonder if this is a possible new career for you? Reno is a good market for this type of business and although there is a little competition, not nearly as much as in the Southern Nevada market in Las Vegas or over the hill in Sacramento.
One thing that might be of interest is that the City of Sparks has some NPDES permits that they enforce vigorously and you will need to invest in a reclaim system, block off storm drains when working, and remove the wash water waste affluent. Spanish Springs near Sparks sure grew up fast and that too is a decent market for both mobile car washing and detailing.
Indeed, there is also lots of growth in Fallon, Nevada too now, perhaps worth a day a week on your over all route? Maybe even a jaunt out to Carson City might make sense, lots of customers there as well. Yes, one could build a nice business there. Although the weather can be an issue in Wintertime, it is still doable as the snow makes a mess of everyone's car. Thus, I give a two-thumbs-up to the Northern Nevada Market and recommend it as a great place to run such a business.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
No Justice
The US Navy is allowing a priceless collection of captured antique bronze cannons to disintegrate before their eyes at their oldest base, in Washington DC, the Washington Navy Yard. What can we do about it? Springfield Arsenal LLC has tried for nearly a year to get something started with the Navy to at least halt the ongoing destruction of these cannons, It may be time for new approaches, such as writing our elected representatives. Ultimately of course, the cannons aren't the Navy's personal property to neglect as they see fit, they belong to the American people, and I know many of those people agree with us that such irreplacable items deserve much better care. ____________________ I've been watching the fine bronze cannons at the Washington Navy Yard deteriorate for about 30 years. This rare, fragile specimen, cast in 1686, is showing a lot of pitting, delamination, and general corrosion from the elements. I've asked the Navy if they couldn't move this one particularly fragile specimen indoors. They replied that they chose to leave all the guns outside, and have done nothing I can see to protect them in the ten months since I corresponded with them. This made me wonder if there wasn't some law or regulation which requires government employees to at least attempt to mitigate damage to historical property when they are aware it is occurring. Does anyone know if there is such a law, regulation, or requirement "on the books" anywhere? The slideshow linked below shows the ...
Posted by Krissy at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Justice
Monday, August 9, 2010
How Has the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Affected Popular Beach Cities?
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill has been prevalent in the news all summer long. Residents might wonder how this catastrophe, also referred to as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, is affecting their favorite vacation spots. Since Sanibel Island is obviously a beach city and part wildlife refuge, this is surely one of the most important destinations in southern Florida.
What affect has the oil spill had on Sanibel? Royal Shell Vacations, which is Sanibel Island, Florida and Captiva Island's premiere vacation rental firm, recently reported that there is no oil evident anywhere near the beaches of the island. As a precaution the company announced a beach watch to assure residents and visitors that the beaches would continue to be oil free throughout the summer. In fact, the company is so dedicated to resident satisfaction that it is offering a special refund policy on its vacations if any oil does wash up onto the beaches.
Sanibel Island hotels and Island restaurants are still operating normally, as are Sanibel events in the area. What about the reports of "dark-colored clumps of algae?" This is not actually related to the oil spill. Beachgoers who have noticed these clumps are actually filamentous blue green algae broken off from submerged algal mats. The Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation stated that these clumps are not related to oil spills, nor are they harmful to the environment. These algal mats are often found in marine and freshwater conditions. These mats' suggested place of origin is the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River or even beyond.
While many people are fearing the repercussions of the oil spill, residents of Sanibel and Captiva, FL should be assured that the location is currently not threatened by the actions that took place primarily west of the state. This is important to realize, as some vacationers may be canceling plans to visit this Island, when in fact the beaches are just as beautiful and safe as ever.
Sanibel Island real estate has been increasing in value ever since the 2000 year. The median price of a house in the city is now just below $900,000, a 50% increase from ten years ago. This island city is an important part of the state's economy and a popular destination for both tourists and newly relocated career professionals. The beaches and wildlife refuges put Sanibel Island on the map. For more information about the beaches of Sanibel Captiva, visit the official city website.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fade Away
Love Breaking Benjamin and Michael Jackson Lyrics: I'm cold and broken It's over - I didn't want to see it come to this I wonder if I will ever see your face again And I know that I will find a way to she'd the skin It's simple - I know that I will suffer in the end Fast I fade away - it's almost over Hold on Slow I suffocate - I'm cold and broken Alone It's hopeless, the end will come and wash it away Forsaken - I live for those I lost along the way And I can't remember how it all began to break We suffer - I live ro fight and die another day Fast I fade away - it's almost over Hold on Slow I suffocate - I'm cold and broken Alone Fast I fade away - it's almost over Hold on Slow I suffocate - I'm cold and broken Alone I'm cold and broken
Posted by Krissy at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bridges Not Walls
A coalition of students and faculty of all backgrounds at UCSD helped put on this peace-promoting, spoken word event called The Writing's On the Wall in Spring of 2008. In the opening piece, Latin@, Jewish, Christian and Muslim students performed poems advocating peace and reconciliation. This right here is me performing my spoken word piece, one that aims to lift all people up regardless of race or religion. We need to come together, to build bridges instead of walls. The Writing's On the Wall Everywhere I go I see these walls around me From the Bay to Beirut to deep down in the Valley Big walls, stacked tall in towns, city, states and counties Jails, they yo schools, walls cant fail-you, They fail-proof, Poof, put up a wall and all your problems vamoose! But is that really true? And if its true, for who? For me, thats who! Hi my name is Bob, how do you do? You can call me Bob the Builder, Im a builder of walls We stack em up high, thats how they like em real tall. Thick steel walls for any reason at all So if you think you need one please give me a call Now Bob, they take him in when the situation demands To separate men and women into they respective lands Based on they skin, religion or political plans Thats when Bob comes in to lend a helping hand. Keep to your own kind, go back where you belong Thats the hidden message thats imbedded in a wall. Theyre practically perfect for any problem you need solved Bricks and barbed wire to make ya nation real strong! But we ...
Posted by Krissy at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bridges
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
. I WANNA GO THERE. VERSE: You told me you loved me I believed in you I told you the story Of my broken heart We trusted each other With things no one would tell It took you a moment To throw it all away BSECTION Out of shame Out of tears Out of compassion The passion I felt for you is gone Away And I know Theres a place I belong to [CHORUS:] I wanna let tomorrow come today Gonna let the future wash away The pain I wanna go Where no one else can find me like u did Where all the hurt you brought me just dont fit I wanna go Away VERSE: I searched for an answer And what came out was you Youre guilty of killing The last hope I ever knew If you wonder I wonder Where you are I no longer Can stay B-SECTION REPEAT CHORUS BRIDGE: I found myself Was the only one to blame For the loss For the heartache I was bringing on to you REPEAT CHORUS
Posted by Krissy at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Kampala and Kasubi Tombs - The Created Natural Wonders
Kampala City is located in Buganda Region though the current government want to seclude it from Buganda could be due to political climate in Uganda, but the real fact is under Buganda, geographically and historically. The City has many attractions, one of the them is Kasumbi tombs.
This is the place were fallen kings of Buganda called Kabakas are laid to rest. It is located in west of Kampala, Rubaga Division, it take about 5 minutes from down town Kampala to the tombs passing via the newly opened highway called the Kampala Northern Bypass. The tombs are regarded by the Baganda tribe as the major spiritual centre for burial of their kings.
Four successive Kabakas (Kings) of Buganda were buried in the same tomb house at Kasubi namely;
- Mutesa 1 (1835-1884)
- Mwanga 11 (1867-1903)
- Daudi Chwa (1896-1939)
- Sir. Edward Mutesa (1924-1969)
Kasubi Tombs have a unique architecture, large rounded thatched hut, very magnificent and currently considered as man made natural wonders of the world, could be compared with the Egyptian Pyramids Inside the tombs there are pictures of the four kabakas laid to rest rest, nice backcloth wall coverings, coloured weaved mats on the floor, it is so clean and peaceful, in the corner there is taxidermy leopard. This was a pet used by Kabaka Mutesa 1 and the myth behind the story is when the Kabaka Mutesa 1 died who was so close with the leopard became so abandoned and started becoming violent so it was put down and brought to the tombs.
Out side the huge tombs there are other small tombs thatched huts which are about 10 surrounding the major tombs, these were burial places of the kings wives but it is not known how many were buried in them as traditionally Kabakas were regarded to be polygamists.
Outside the gates of Kasubi tombs there are no much to offer such as nice restaurant, hotel or coffee shop even decent wash rooms. The closet places are Nakulabye, Mengo or when you take Northern By pass highway Kasumba Square could be the place to go for these lacking facilities. Kasubi tombs is worth a visit once you are in Uganda because it is historical and cultural.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wonderwash Counter-Top Compact Washing Machine
We review and demonstrate the Wonderwash compact washing machine from Laundry Alternative.
Posted by Krissy at 5:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Compact, CounterTop, Machine, Washing, Wonderwash
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Crane Building Itself
Ever wonder how cranes that build high-rise buildings get built? They can build themselves upwards!
Posted by Krissy at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Chrome Rims: Add Some Attitude To Your Vehicle
Did you ever wonder why some vehicles have the natural ability to stand out from the rest of the pack? Did you ever wonder how these cars differ from the rest? Did you ever wonder why vehicles on car shows are very attractive even if you have stared on it for several hours? And with all the wondering and awe, did you ever realize that there is one car part, or we can say car accessory that completes the overall package of any vehicle.
In a car show or car show competition for instance, you can notice that almost every vehicle particularly those that are designed for exterior category have one thing in common: they all look totally beautiful. There are vehicles that are coated with special paints to project a more stunning look. There are even some that are painted with exotic images. There are those that are dressed with body kits. There are those that are installed with lift kits or lowering kits. But among all these extra fabrications and extra accessories, one accessory is almost indispensable: the chrome rims.
First, you have to know that chrome rims and aluminum wheels are two different things. Aluminum wheel are usually made from finished metal with dull silver finish. There are also aluminum wheels with shiny black finish. But this is very rare. Aluminum wheels eliminate the need for wheel covers and hubcaps since they can stand alone on the vehicle without the incompleteness of the looks. They are more expensive than the wheel covers and hubcaps but cheaper than chrome rims.
Chrome rims on the other hand come with shiny wheels finish and are used by most car owner because it provide a different effect to the vehicle. Chrome rims make vehicle sharper, more expensive, and look faster.
Chrome rims are set of wheels that have become very popular to those who want to add spark to their vehicle. Since old factory wheels tend to look boring and lifeless, the addition of chrome rims makes the vehicle look livelier. And if getting noticed is all you wanted, chrome rims will definitely do the job.
Chrome wheels could be acquired in two ways. You can request your car dealer to trade the existing factory wheels with new set of chrome wheels since most new cars are released with aluminum wheels. And, you can also buy chrome wheels as an added option from aftermarket manufacturer.
The good thing about chrome rims is, you can get chrome rims for every type of vehicle. You can now replace your existing wheels whether you own a car, truck, pickup, SUV, or a van.
Some OEM manufacturers have set of chrome wheels designed for a particular vehicle make of a vehicle model. There are also those that are made generic for general fit. Sizes also vary. Chrome rims could be 15" and 16" or 17" and 18" for larger vehicles such as SUVs and pickups.
With exchange for more beauty comes the price. Normally, chrome rims are worth higher than ordinary wheels or wheel covers. One chrome rim could cost several hundreds of dollars; even thousands. Multiply that with the number of your tires could cost you almost as much as another brand new vehicle. But in spite of the price, the attitude and style each chrome rim produce is worth all the money.
Posted by Krissy at 5:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
3 Tips For Choosing the Best Anti Wrinkle Face Cream
With so many different anti wrinkle face cream products on the market, it is no wonder you get stuck when trying to choosing the best one. Ingredients, pricing, and advertising vary greatly between all of these anti wrinkle skin care products. So which one do you choose? Here are 3 quick tips to help you out.
1. Look for natural, active ingredients
You don't want a wrinkle cream that will simply fill the lines cosmetically, then reveal the wrinkles again when you wash the product off. Instead, read the labels and search for natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. Cynergy TK is one such ingredient that stimulates collagen and elastin production in your body naturally, which keeps the skin firm, smooth, tight and radiant.
2. Avoid synthetic or toxin ingredients
In an effect to allow your body to heal its skin naturally, you need to keep well clear of harmful man made ingredients that can cause skin irritations and allergic reactions. Look out for parabens, fragrances, mineral oils and sulfuric acid. These, and others, are not the kind of thing you want to absorb into your skin as part of an anti wrinkle face cream.
3. Increase your antioxidant levels
A common reason for premature aging and wrinkles is the effect of free radical damage on skin cells. Free radicals make your skin sag, look tired and leads to further lines and wrinkles. You can fight this process using powerful antioxidants found in an ingredient called Coenzyme Q10. What this ingredient does is penetrate through seven layers of skin and prevents the oxidation caused by free radicals. This gives your skin a fresh, radiant, smooth and younger look.
By choosing an anti wrinkle face cream with these essential properties in it, you give your skin the best possible chance to look younger so that you feel great too.
Posted by Krissy at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The BARF Diet
The Great Dane diet for the most part is usually like most other dog diets. A couple of scoops of dried up ole chow and some water to wash it down, its no wonder that dogs go digging through trash cans for morsels of human food. We eat pretty good stuff on a bad day compared to our poor animals. Now consider for a moment that dogs are carnivores and the first couple of ingredients of dog food are usually some type of grain, beet pulp and corn or some other delicious filler. Not quite as meaty as the picture on the front of the dog food makes you believe.
A much better alternative that can be used all of the time or just part time is the BARF diet, sounds delicious but it really stands for bones and raw food, or biologically appropriate raw food. Sounds better already. I am sure that you are interested in giving your Dane the best nutrition possible and I am also sure that you are interested in reducing the poop and noxious Dane farts. This diet has been shown to have success in all of these areas.
It can be as simple as you like. Toss the Dane a raw steak or get fancy and puree some veggies and fruit, mix in a couple of raw eggs, and drizzle it all over some delicious organ meat. I can already imagine my Danes drooling at the thought of that.
Good ingredients include, basically any kind of meat, eggs, fish, fish oil, yogurt, pureed fruit and veggies, and raw bones. The raw bones can be easily digested and will clean the teeth and gums nicely. The fruit and veggies need to be pureed because this will get them closer to the state that they would normally be consumed in. Dogs will normally only consume fruit and veggies when it is partially digested and in the stomach of a kill. Their digestive track is too short to properly digest the amount of cellulose and fiber in fruit and veggies.
You can feed your Dane the BARF diet all the time or like many other folks you have a life too and this type of feeding takes some extra work. Do it as much as possible and your Dane will be better for it. If you need to spend one night a week pre preparing food and freezing it that is an excellent option, just thaw it out in the microwave and serve.
You will see immediate improvements in your Great Danes coat and skin aliments will most likely dissipate if not go away all together. The high protein diet will most likely lead to some lean muscle gain and should stabilize energy. Traditional dog food causes energy spikes because the grain is converted to glucose and burned as sugar, having the same effect as a soft drink on a 6 year old.
As far as portion size, watch the waist line and adjust appropriately, it is hard to go wrong here, it is hard to make a young great Dane fat and their fast metabolisms take weight off quickly if you reduce feeding.
Give it a shot your great Dane will love you for it and be even more likely to get in your lap and the dog breath will only improve.
Posted by Krissy at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where's your Credentials ?!!
Wonder how it feels to turn the tables on a on duty police officer? Watch how i verbally disembowel the so called management/spy/on duty police officer that works for the company Pinnacle LLC. This company has taken over so many building in my neighborhood, and cause so much damage by simply harassing the elderly tenants and trying to white wash black and latino neighborhoods. They sent this guy to spy on a elderly man that lives in my building. And...well take a look !
Posted by Krissy at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Credentials, Wheres
Sunday, July 18, 2010
chipmonk sombodys watching me
This is the chipmunk style of Sombody"s Watching Me by Mysto and Pizzi. LYRICS: VERSE1 I'm just an average man with an average life I work from nine to five, hey hell I pay the price All I want is to be left alone in my average home But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone And... CHORUS I always feel that somebody's watchin' me And I have no privacy I always feel that somebody's watchin' me Tell me is it just a dream? VERSE 2 When I come home at night I close the door real tight People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid Well, can the people on TV see me, can they or am I just paranoid When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair 'Cause I might open my eyes and find someone standing there People say I'm crazy, just a little touched But mainly showers remind me of Psycho too much That's why... CHORUS I don't know anymore Are the neighbors watching me Well is the mailman watching me And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess I wonder who's watching me now? Who? The IRS?
Posted by Krissy at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Barack Obama's Rev. WRONG
Barack Obama's Preacher, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has made some inflammatory statements about the United States and how we deserved to get hit on 9/11, instead of "God Bless America", he says "God Damn America", etc. I really want Barack Obama to come out and explain this insanity and tell me if he believes this crap as well. I'm starting to wonder if Barack Obama believes in Evolution, if he believes in a woman's right to choose. Barack Obama has a lot of explaining to do.
Posted by Krissy at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Carwash Consultants and Analysts Case Study
Recently in the car wash industry we have seen carwash industry analysts and consultants fall on their butts. One recently filed bankruptcy, while another just wrote another new book and still another has failed miserably and he is going to go back and teach school. Interesting. These gurus and know-it-alls had all the best data, sold that data and even charged others for this data and their studies.
Many analysts in the industry help larger carwash consolidators with surveys, data, site selection and reports to help raise money for their clients with investment bankers and/or investors. The carwash companies hire out these firms and in case something goes wrong they can always fall back on their data as an excuse? So many industry consultants and marketing companies make me wonder; "Are you sure you are not justifying the norm of the industry, where everyone copies everyone else and they all do the same thing, make little money and are pissing off customers, so they go for higher per car up-selling, rather than concentrate on volumes?"
Most of these customers butts are sore from coming in for a basic wash and leaving with a $45.00 charge on their credit cards, look what is happening to Jiffy Lube? Same scenario. You know, someone needs to shake this industry and wake these people up. But nothing in your questions leads me to believe that your clients have the balls to make that happen? These are standard questions, typical industry crap. May I ask; "Who cares?"
So much of the data in the carwash industry, which is collected for industry surveys for the four major industry rags or trade journals is irrelevant. Information that only a professor who has never achieved would ask in class project questions. Information that only a consultant, who wants to prove themselves right without looking outside the box and really looking at the industry from a reality based perspective.
Only someone who is interested in attaining Investment Banks and venture capital asks this stuff, no one who is intent on winning the market thinks like that or would even bother with such questions, they are irrelevant. Only a person designing a business plan with fluff asks this stuff. In fact I would NEVER invest in a company putting such irrelevant data into a business plan. But I would have them taken out back and shot for wasting my time and money. For the car wash industry analysts, I have a question for you now; "What would you say?" Think on it.
Posted by Krissy at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Analysts, Carwash, Consultants
Monday, July 12, 2010
lost in free hugss
we went to the 16th london mcm expo yesterday i do not own the song "lost in wonder" by martyn layzell i am aware its about jesus and god but it make a good hug vid enjoy!!! i wish to wash my irish wrist watch (say and repeat)
Posted by Krissy at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Law and Its Contempt
The contempt of court law in Chennai, India, is really an eye wash. Here no human can whisper about human rights because Chennai does not believe in freedom for the general public. The governments here are more inclined towards fleecing the public through deceptions. If anyone goes to courts with a contempt of court petition against anyone who has political pull it immediately becomes such a drama and spreads to all fields. Proof of that is my dismissed case. There was an interim injunction obtained and a contempt of court petition filed against a reserve policeman, the defendant. This was willfully overlooked by lawyers making us go in for an anticipatory bail just because the reserve police and his mother gave 2 separate complaints according to the police stations daily register. The judge did not bother to ask me if wanted to by pass the contempt. What rights do the courts judges and lawyers have to overlook the common mans sufferings just because it is a puppet in the hands of the unprincipled politicians and police.
The atrocities in Tamil Nadu where the police itself manipulate everything to pamper the politicians and fan their egos is considered THE way of life. This is clear when the one they target, come up in life. No one would expect anyone to be as cunning as the politicians and police put together. They do not do this work without the support of the misguided lot in the general public. Probably that is easy, because here people are divided in many ways. The more the divisions, the more the avenues for distortion of facts especially when all make sure that the victim is never involved in anything. Here people are divided in religion and caste. All the governments here love to run off to the religious playground using one player against the other while they are the spectators chipping in now and then to make or maintain rifts. No human can belong to all religions but we are all meant to love God as one and live on this one earth. So what if God has different names? Everybody has different names in one lifetime. everyone is a child, adolescent girl or boy,daughter or son, mother or father, niece or nephew etc etc. Our names change with each person we relate to. I have been blessed by being brought up by 2 mothers from 2 different religions. The one God has worked wonders through them without whom my prayers would have been incomplete.
Coming back to the time when we moved in to our new own premises; two men came with a roadside tailor demanding money. With the help of a lawyer a complaint was lodged in the police station where we learned that the 2 men were actually its constables. Then a reserve police uses the same station and becomes contemptuous of the law and I went to the commissioners office for protection as the court was not in a mood of implementing the law.(it was too busy giving legal rights to my lawyer to by pass the contempt without my consent so I can be fooled legally) The legal courts have nothing to do with the police.They run separately. And yet, the common man cannot find justice from the law as it reverses its stand on its own dignity regarding contempt of court orders. I must say the words justice delayed is justice denied is another eye wash because if there is a case against the police or government the hearing of any contempt will be denied, case dismissed and all evidence overlooked even when the governments and police have nothing as evidence. This proves that India is in the hands of dictators and democracy is a needed hypocrisy dispensed off everyday as a formality. I can safely conclude that the police and courts are related - maybe like the politicians who bring in relatives and friends into their parties, the state and country like it is their kingdom and so have every right to continue the wrongful deeds without rectification of the old ones. It is so easy to push uncomfortable truths under the carpet. It is even more easier to suppress all opposition. No wonder the world faces global financial crisis, global terrorism, global warming and global discontentment.
Coming back to law, amazing how one judge issues an injunction making my case valid while another dismisses the same (are there different laws for different judges?) And to top it all the reserve police has been allowed to be contemptuous of the law and i had to go in for a bail and ask the police protection against the police itself. The police seem to have been given rights to break the law until they are questioned by the layman whom they harass - if the layman does not ask for protection the police just continue harassing while if protection is given then the law washes its hands off rendering justice. No wonder no one believes in the law and democracy as the law makers become law breakers very slowly and meticulously. The dignity of law is clearly seen in the clashes in the law colleges in Chennai. Law is in the politicians hands. Are they related? Can the courts too like politicians say its better than the police department and politicians and turn a blind eye to all that is uncomfortable within its own premises? Has it given rights to politicians and police to be contemptuous of law? Can it turn a blind eye to the life long scar such delays cause to the affected party especially women who are harassed on all sides due to the courts negligence for 1 week or 1 year or eternity? If that is legal, then what of the dignity and safety of women, children and the commoner?
Bhuvaneswari Calambakkam
Posted by Krissy at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Contempt
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How to Plan a Successful Business
Many people open their own business without proper planning and then wonder why it ends in failure. The most important thing you can do to prevent from joining them is the one thing that many new businesses fail to do; write a business plan. This is not the formal document you read about in books that you write and then throw in a drawer and never look at again. It is a plan that will allow you to determine the potential of any business you are considering and show you exactly what you need to do to achieve success.
Make sure your plan is a living document that is constantly updated and based in reality. Many people make the mistake of being too optimistic when it comes to projected sales and almost blind when determining expenses. The best way to keep your numbers closer to what you will actually see is to get advice from professionals. Have your lawyer and your accountant review your plan and give you feedback. The money you will spend for this advice will almost certainly be the best you ever spend. They can tell you if any of your thinking is out of line and they will probably offer suggestions you had not thought of.
Finally, you will want to consult with other business owners. Try to find owners from a wide variety of businesses, not just the kind of business you are considering. Ask them what kind of challenges they had to face when they started and how they survived them. Ask them what they would have done different.
You can put yourself in a safe and secure financial position by owning your own business, but to do so you need to make sure you go about it in the right way. If you write and update a business plan based in reality and seek out and follow the advice of professionals and other owners, you stand a very good chance of finding the business success that will give you the financial independence and security you seek.
Posted by Krissy at 4:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Business, Successful
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Living in Multiple Domains Explains the Origins of Moods and Feelings
Did you ever wonder where a stray thought, mood, or feeling came from? Did you ever ask yourself, "Why do I feel this way?" Do you wonder if all that you are is all that you can see, or if there is more to life than meets the eye? According to string theory, there are multiple domains.
A domain is a world, for instance, the four dimensional world we live in has three dimensions of space and one of time. It is an electro-magnetic world because everything is an electromagnetic field and light is electro-magnetic radiation. When the Essenes said, "We are children of light," I believe that what they meant was that we are light, or at least that is how we appear in this domain. We are projected into this world as a light array endowed with limited intelligence.
We are multi-domain beings and exist in multiple dimensions and domains at once, though we may not be aware of it. That is because each of us is made of parts and that explains the parts consciousness theory. So if you are made of parts and some of those parts exist in other worlds, how come you are not aware of them? That's a good question.
Have you ever stood near the ocean and watched huge waves crash on the shore on a sunny day? Though the weather and wind is calm on the beach, there is a storm at sea and it affects the size and force of the waves, the entire ocean, in fact. It is the same with experiences in another domain. Part of you is experiencing something in another place and you are feeling it, but not understanding where the feeling is coming from. Sometimes it is a feeling of happiness and at other times it may be sadness or any of the many feelings and moods that wash upon the shore of our lives throughout our existence.
Most of the world is unseen. We know that our world is made of tiny particles, called subatomic particles, but what controls the particles? If you put enough of them together they make each thing in our world, even our own bodies. An array of those particles can even be your body, but what tells the particles how to organize into your body? That intelligence and force certainly isn't seen. That is because it isn't electro-magnetic and therefore we can't see it or touch it.
Because we live in an electro-magnetic world, we are equipped with senses that detect electro-magnetic fields, but the fields of energy that move particles are just the opposite, they are magneto-electric. That means they can exist all around and through us and yet we are unaware of them and their effect, or are we?
When you look out the window and see the trees moving, you know that the wind is blowing. You can't see the wind, but you see its effect and know that it is moving the tree. When you feel something but don't know why, perhaps it is the effect of something you can't see, because it exists in another domain, and yet, in a way, you are aware of it's effect and therefore you do know it exists. I have never seen the wind, only the effect of the wind, but I know it exists.
Now this brings up an interesting idea. If there are things happening in another domain that you have no control over, then are you responsible for your feelings, thoughts, actions? The answer is, yes, and no. The reason is that you are still responsible for your actions here and how you react to moods and feelings, because you have the ability to think and learn and even to imagine a multi-domain existence. It is your ability to think and imagine that gives you a chance to start understanding the true nature of human existence and also to understand the implications of your thoughts and actions.
Don't forget, if you are experiencing the effect of events in other domains, you must also be affecting those domains with your actions and experiences in this domain. That means that a thought or action that seems to have little or no consequence here may have a profound effect somewhere else. Because you can think that thought and empathize with the other parts of your self that experience the effect of those thoughts feelings and actions, you must take some responsibility for them. That is part of spiritual maturity. I know this seems complicated, but I believe people have been aware of this on some level for thousands of years.
Consider karma, or the Biblical admonition, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." You may argue that means when you go to heaven you will be rewarded or that if you come back into this world and lead another life you will have to pay for transgressions but you will also be rewarded for good actions. What if the lives that you reap the rewards or consequences from is happening right now? What and where is heaven, in light of our understanding of multiple domains? Heaven is the unseen world where creation takes place. Doesn't that sound like the domain where the intelligent force that organizes our world exists? Could it be that heaven fits in with string theory and karma? Even the Newtonian law that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction fits into this line of thought.
This isn't so different from the concepts taught in the New Testament of the Holy Trinity. Jesus said he was the Father and the Father was Jesus. Could it be that he meant that he existed in multiple domains at the same time? He said that heaven was neither here nor there, but that it still existed and the Father was there. Jesus also said that each one of us was the same. He said, "I go to be with my Father and your Father." So, in other words, we each exist in this world while our father, exists in heaven, and yet, we are the Father and the Father is us, which means that part of us exists in another unseen place where creation takes place, another domain.
That is multiplicity, one of the hardest of all concepts for a human mind to grasp and yet, once you do understand it, you won't fear death or life and you will understand where those moods, feelings, and thoughts might originate.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sorry, No Refunds - Meant For Me
This is a demo of OUR FIRST EVER SONG!! Apologies for the sound quality ;) Lyrics: Its 3AM, awake again I've got her picture in a frame Stare at it, I'll never change I wonder if she does the same Think of what she's up to now All the words I never found All the things we could've done I hope she hasn't found someone And now I've finally worked it out The source of all my past self doubt The reason why we'd never work The lessons that we never learnt Now I wish I could go back To a time when we would laugh And tell you that I still believe That you were meant for me I rub my eyes and wash my face I swear I used to know this place A distant park, an empty beach Where sand would wash our careless feet We used to hold our hands with pride And wait together for the tide It seems like only yesterday Why did it ever have to fade? And now I've finally worked it out The source of all my past self doubt The reason why we'd never work The lessons that we never learnt Now I wish I could go back To a time when we would laugh And tell you that I still believe That you were always meant for me And now I've finally worked it out The source of all my past self doubt The reason why we'd never work The lessons that we never learnt Now I wish I could go back To a time when we would laugh The only one I need is you Just wish you would need me too
Posted by Krissy at 4:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
Digital Photography Tips - Lighting
Advances have been made so much in technology surrounding photography over the years with in introduction of digital photography. There is so much to be learn about photography, even with all of the point and shoot cameras available on the market today. Point and click cameras lead us to believe that all we have to do is pick up a camera shoot the picture and presto a work of art has been captured. Boy is that ever wrong. While these point and click cameras do offer so much in the lines of ease of use and convenience, capturing a high quality photo does require a bit more work than that.
It doesn't really matter if your camera that you have is a $100 point and click or the latest and greatest digital SLR with 85 megapixels you can take some great photos with either one.
The secret to taking great pictures is having sufficient lighting. I don't care how great your camera is with out sufficient lighting, your photos are only going to be so so. I'm going to include some of the secrets that the professionals keep to themselves that will help you make the most of your photos.
The time of the day that you take your pictures has a major impact on how your photos will turn out. Natural sunlight and light from say a halogen lamp have huge differences in your end result. You can take pictures indoors without any lights turned on, but have natural sunlight shining in and turn out with crystal clear photos. This can even be accomplished with the cheapest of digital cameras all the way up to the most expensive high end cameras on the market today. In fact telling the difference between the two can be very minimal if the megapixels are about the same on each. Natural daylight does wonders for your photos.
What about night time photos? Well without natural daylight available, you're going to have to depend on some good lighting. Digital cameras usually come with a built in flash, but they can only do so much. Many times, in low lighting situations, you'll end up with pictures that are too dark or even grainy or possibly both.Halogen lights work great if you want photos that are bright and clear. White halogens however seem to wash out photos, so you don't really end up with very colorful photos. They will however be bright and clear. You will want to ensure that your light is focused on your subject from the side, anything but from behind as the light will end up in your line of site. You don't want that.
For softer photos, having different color lights is what you want.
Posted by Krissy at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Digital, Lighting, Photography
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
How to Get More Balance in Your Daily Living
Laundry, jobs, hockey practice, PTA meetings, aging parents, dental appointments...sound familiar? No wonder there is so much stress in our day! Add to these the current economic crisis and it seems that finding balance in life is virtually impossible. And women are particularly poor at creating balance in their lives as they continually put themselves at the bottom of their priority list. Whatever "me time" there was, gets lost in the shuffle. But, there are some relatively simple things you can do to try and achieve that all essential balance.
As Andy Rooney said, "Remember God didn't do it all in one day, so why should you." Maybe getting the laundry started before breakfast isn't nearly as important as that extra half hour of shut eye.
You have to boldly schedule "me time". Make sure the family knows you will be incommunicado when you are taking that much needed bubble bath.
Make a lunch date with a friend or a relative you haven't seen in awhile.
Remember the kid in you and act goofy. It becomes even more therapeutic when you act silly in front of your kids friends.
Keep a journal. Sometimes it is easier to express your feelings in writing than it is to vocalize them even if no one but you reads them.
Sit outside and let the warmth of the sun wash away your tension.
Stare out the window while you sip your cup of coffee and think of nothing except the great taste of that coffee.
Watch your favourite sitcom and remember, laughing will make sure your wrinkles end up in the right places.
Take time to pray- for the homeless, the orphans, the sick.
Meditate, do Tai Chi or yoga.
Finding that balance is never easy and it will be different for each person. The one common element however is that whatever you choose to do, it must be guilt free. Remember, you are valuable and you make a difference .
The lyrics to that old hymn "Count Your Blessings" serve to remind us that we sometimes simply need to take a moment and be thankful.
"When upon life's billows, you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one.
And it will surprise you, what the Lord hath done."
Remember to be thankful for the things you have gained in life and stop obsessing over what you might have missed. Yesterday is passed, tomorrow is yet to come, and all we have is today.
Posted by Krissy at 4:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
This dude must be rely happy that hes getting a swim and a wash! hmm i wonder what would happen if someone yelled "SHARK!"
Posted by Krissy at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Shark
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Chipmunks- we made you with lyrics
The chipmunks sing we made you by eminem. comment, rate, subscribe. LYRICS: [Intro] Guess Who? Ya Miss Me? Jessica Simpson sing the chorus [Hook] When you walked through the door, it was clear to me (clear to me) Youre the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see) Youre a rockstar (baby) Everybody wants you (everybody wants you) Who can really blame you (who can really blame you) Were the ones who made you [Verse 1] Back by popular demand Now pop a little zantac for antacid if you can Youre ready to tackle any task that is at hand How does it feel? Is it fantastic, is it grand Well look at all the massive masses in the stands Shady, man, no, dont massacre the fans I think Kim Kardashians a man She stomped him just because he asked to put his hands On her massive gluteus maximus again Sqeeze it, squish it, then pass it to her friend Can he come back as nasty as he can Yes, he can, can, dont ask me this again He does not mean to lesbian offend But Lindsay, please come back to seeing men Samanthas a two, youre practically a ten I know you want me, girl, in fact, I can see a grin Now come in girl [Hook] [Verse 2] The enforcer, lookin for more women to torture Walk up to the cutest girl and charlie horse her Sorry Porsha, but whats Ellen Degeneres Have that I dont, are you tellin me tenderness I could be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman Give me my vitamin, inhaler and 2 senoren And Ill invite Sarah Palin out to dinner then Nail her, let her say hello to ...
organic baby pants digital kitchen scale playground markings
Posted by Krissy at 4:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It is All About Integrity
"Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty." -
The easiest way to start demonstrating integrity in the workplace is to do what you say you are going to do. I've seen many instances where people make promises they can't keep. Even worse, people make promises they have no intentions on keeping in the first place. It's better to keep expectations low and exceed them than to constantly come short on what you said you were going to do. Keeping and delivering on promises not only show integrity, they also show dependability. Many of the supervisors I've worked with group employees into two categories: ones who are dependable, and ones who are not. When it comes time to give someone a big assignment to complete, which type of employee would they look to assign it? That big assignment is an opportunity for employees to show their abilities and audition for promotions, and the undependable employees are going to miss out.
I provided you the definition of integrity I found when looking it up on I tell people my definition is 'doing what you are supposed to do when you could easily get away with doing something else.' We all have responsibilities at work, and we should be aware of what we can or can't do. Most companies have detailed procedures which let you know what you can or can't do. Even if your company does not, I would bet your own determination of right and wrong will point you in the proper direction. I bet you've had a situation in work where you've said to yourself, or co-worker: "I wonder if I'll get in trouble if I do this?" Here is a helpful hint, if you are ever in a position where you are wondering if you should or shouldn't be doing something, you probably shouldn't be. This is what I would refer to as making a wise decision. I've heard people say this: "know I shouldn't do this, but nobody will know." This is where real integrity comes in. If you know you shouldn't do it, but do it anyway because no one is watching then you are lacking integrity. When you do get caught and justify your actions, or try and point the blame at another direction other than your own you are seriously lacking integrity.
I've worked at big banks during my 20-year career in banking. Big banks are usually all about the numbers. Shareholders like to see growth, and one of the ways to grow is increase checking accounts. In my book "Promotions Are Not Served At The Deli Counter" I tell a story about branch employees who would solicit customers to open up checking accounts for just one dollar. On top of that, the branch would charge the dollar to a random general ledger! Most times, these customers wouldn't deposit anything else; they are customers in name only. Sure, the branch got their goals, but they were seriously lacking integrity while achieving them. When the bankers got caught - and they always get caught, the only thing they ended up getting was a quick end to their banking career.
Understand what the right thing is to do each day at work, and do it. You will be better for it in the end.
Posted by Krissy at 4:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Integrity
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
How to Take Care of Your Skin
Knowing what type of skin you have is very important because everyone has a different skin type and will need to care for their skin in a different way. That is why one type of acne medication or treatment may not work well for you and another will do wonders.
If you have fair skin, get sunburn easily of have a history of skin cancer you need to be especially careful when out in the sun and make sure you are well protected by using the proper sunscreen and wearing caps, hats and staying covered up.
If you have a dark complexion or are of Asian heritage, you may also have very sensitive skin and may not be able to use many of the different topical acne medications on the market today.
Daily Face Cleaning
Many people wash their face two, three or more times per day and a great majority of these people do it wrong.
When I was a child I was taught to vigorously wash my face and scrub my hands with lots of soap and water until they were immaculate. Then when I became a teenager, I was told to use soap, soap and more soap to get my face clean and clean up my oily skin to help prevent acne. In my early adult years I followed basically the same program that I did as a teenager but had different results because my skin had changed.
Now in addition to the wide range of soaps available for the skin, there are many different types of skin cleansers as well. Some of them only clean, others exfoliate the skin (remove dead skin) as well as clean and still others contain various concentrations of medications like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. If you wash too often and use these types of soaps in addition to any topical acne medications, you can unnecessarily irritate and dry out your skin.
It should be noted that washing more than twice a day, regardless of the type of facial cleanser used, will have very little beneficial impact on your acne. If your skin is already inflamed and red from acne, then washing too often will only make your face redder and more irritable.
I have tried many different types of soap from the medicated ones to the fancy wonderful smelling moisturizing and exfoliating soaps. However, after a lot of trial and effort on my part I have found that the simple basic types of soaps can work wonders. I have listed some soaps that I fully recommend for the different types of skin. They are not as expensive or have the fancy fragrances of many types of soaps on the market, but they do work and when used regularly will provide good results.
Oily Skin: If your skin is a bit oily, then Ivory soap is a very good as well as economical soap for your skin.
Dry Skin: If you notice that your skin is often dry, then try Dove moisturizing soaps.
If you have very sensitive skin or have an allergic reaction to most soaps, you may want to try some of the non-soap cleansers like Cetaphil, Aquanil, or Neutrogena's Extra Gentle Cleanser.
Once you have the soap that fits your skin type, it is good to develop a regular face washing program. The following steps are ones I use on a consistent basis and I feel really help my skin.
First get your soap wet with warm water and lather up a soft washcloth. Using the washcloth to apply the soap to your skin by gently rubbing it in circles all around your face. Lather up the washcloth as needed and make sure you go over your entire face. Apply a light pressure and gently massage your face as you wash. One thing I do is I count to three in each location before moving the washcloth an inch and counting again. This allows me to make sure I give each area of my face the care it deserves. Once you have covered your entire face, splash some warm water on your face to remove the soap. Keep doing this until all the soap is gone. Use a soft cotton towel gently pat your face (don't rush and rub it) until your skin is dry.
One thing you can do to help is to have a few hand towels set aside that you use just for washing and drying your face. (Don't use the same hand towel that everyone else in the household uses after they wash their hands before leaving the bathroom.) Also, when you wash these hand towels, avoid using a large amount of detergent or heavy amounts of fabric softener. You want them clean and soft, but not laden with detergents or fragrances. This may sound a little off the wall to some people but I feel it helps. When you are washing your face, visualize having clear beautiful radiant skin. This helped me to stick to my program and look forward to my face cleaning as a welcome daily diversion rather than a chore.
Well, that is it. Take a few minutes for yourself and your skin twice a day - once in the morning, and once in the evening - to properly wash and care for your face. After a while, you will notice that your skin feels better and is more radiant and then you will start to feel better as well.
Posted by Krissy at 4:03 AM 0 comments